Women’s Press Collective | About Us

Building independent community-based press


Over 90% of U.S. media is owned and controlled by fewer than 10 corporations that put the interests of their shareholders and major advertisers above all else.

That’s why Women’s Press Collective (WPC) is building an independent press that will tell the truth.

To stay truly independent, WPC is 100% volunteer and non-government funded.

WPC conducts a free-of-charge Publications Benefit Program run by and for members that provides printing, design and writer training for community-based organizations on the front lines of economic and social struggles. WPC is deeply rooted in communities marginalized by mainstream media.

Who we are

Women’s Press Collective (WPC) is a women-led, all-volunteer, non-government funded membership association, dedicated to building independent press to tell the stories corporate media won’t. WPC was founded on the principle that those most affected by society’s problems must be involved in solving them and need access to the power of the printed word to do so.

Where we come from

Established in New York City in 1982, WPC’s founding strategy was based in providing publication support for farm workers and other low-paid women workers whose organizing efforts had no voice in the major corporate media.

What we do

WPC is building independent press and fighting for truth in media. We organize a free-of-charge Publication Benefit Program for members, providing publication production training — press operation, graphic design, writing and journalism — for community-based organizations, putting the power of print media in the hands of those who are unrepresented and have the least access to resources through which to demand change in policies affecting their lives.

“Most of the major media outlets have been bought up by corporations and they have no regard for the working and poor people of America.

“I volunteer at Women’s Press Collective because it’s the last access the public has to the free press…and women get things done!”

—Sidney M., press operator and volunteer since 2007

Volunteers Needed!

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